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Move In/Out Cleaning
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- Moving In and/or Moving Out:
If you are a home owner who feel overwhelmed about the move in/move out cleaning process you're not alone.
TLC can prepare your home for the new transition. We will help with the kitchen, bathroom, living area, bedrooms and additional tasks.
- Cabinet exteriors and interiors cleaned
- Countertop wiped down
- Small appliances wiped
- Sinks and backsplash
- Marks on walls and baseboards cleaned
- Windowsills, blinds and window tracks cleaned
- Baseboards dusted and wiped
- Sink cleaned and sanitized
- Bathtub, shower walls cleaned and sanitized
- Toilet cleaned and sanitized inside and out
- Doorknobs, doorframes and doors wiped
- Light switches wiped - All surfaces dusted
- Closet fronts and insides cleaned
- Check and replace burnt out light bulbs
- Check and replace batteries in carbon monoxide and smoke detectors
40 Wynford Dr.
North York, ON.
North York, ON.
M3C 1J5
Free Contact
(647) 254-1TLC
(647) 254-1TLC
(647) 254-1852
Email Address